A Conversation With YouTuber Paige Secosky

Photo via Pinterest

Photo via Pinterest

In a society that is always finding new ways to become relevant with millennials, it’s not easy to keep up an image that an audience will relate to and think highly of. Authenticity is key, and there are few people out there who can achieve this through their platforms. YouTube beauty guru, fashion vlogger and LIM student Paige Secosky is one of the few who can nail it all while getting her degree.

Her videos span from fashion hacks to lifestyle advice which has established a strong foundation with her viewers due to her ability to be candid and genuine. If that doesn’t make you want to check her out, I also had a moment to ask her best friend and fellow LIM student, Michael Macko, what makes Secosky so amazing to which he replied with:

“Ever since meeting Paige I’ve always noticed all of her hard work. She’s worked extremely hard to be where she is and I 100% respect her for that. I’m super lucky to have a friend like her. Especially since we have so much in common,” Macko laughed.

Photo via @michaelxmacko on Instagram

Photo via @michaelxmacko on Instagram

More importantly, I had a chance to chat with the busy and lovely 20-year-old to get a little more insight on what really goes on in her world.

Nahjeniq Buchanan: What are your 3 favorite tools you like to use to create your content?

Paige Secosky: For videos, it would be my laptop since it has my editing software on it (final cut pro), my umbrella lights, and my camera (canon 70D).

NB: What 3 things does anyone starting in your industry need to know?

PS: The social media industry? I would say to be yourself—I know everyone says that but it’s true—do not let negative comments get to you, and do not work with companies unless you love them!

NB: Are there any films or books that inspire you?

PS: I am honestly not super big into films or books, I just don't have a lot of free time. However, I love The Fault in Our Stars. I wish I had more time!

NB: Which people have the most influence on your growth and why?

PS: My dad, he inspires me to work hard. He grew up with nothing, and he motivates me in numerous ways.

NB: Do you have a golden rule you live by?

PS: Live life in a positive way. Do not let little things bother you!

NB: What does your typical day in a week look like?

PS: A typical day whenever I am not at school will start with me doing my makeup, then setting up my filming equipment, filming, then editing my video. I try to upload my videos overnight because it takes so long to upload with my wifi. I also edit my video thumbnails when uploading my videos.

NB: What’s your best advice for handling criticism?

PS: You just have to learn not to care. At the end of the day if you love what you do then nothing else should matter to you.

NB: As you grow in popularity, are there any challenges you still face?

PS: A challenge I face is being creative at times. I try to produce content that I love, and I never want to just create content for money or views. I always want my content to be genuine and something I love.

NB: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

PS: I make coffee—I have to have it every day!

NB: Favorite feature about yourself:

PS: As for physical feature, I would say eyebrows (laughs), I think they have a good shape to them. As for a nonphysical feature, I am really determined, and once I put my mind to something, I will get it done.

NB: You can bring one thing to a desert island, what would it be?

PS: Water, I am addicted to it.

NB: If you’re feeling under the weather, what’s something you like to whip up/order? (We’re in NYC so I know about that take out.)

PS: Sushi. I always order sushi from Seamless…or Shake Shack!

NB: Lastly, what beauty advice would you give to your younger self?

PS: DO NOT WEAR BLACK EYELINER ON YOUR WATERLINE! Oh my god I am so mad I used to do this (chuckles).