Astrology Questions: Asked and Answered
Source: Pitt City Paper
Astrology is an important and popular topic for Gen Z and millennials alike, whether it’s watching funny Tik Toks about zodiac signs or using an astrology app downloaded out of peer pressure. However, are these accurate sources for information on astrological charts? Where should someone go for more in depth information on their zodiac sign? I interviewed Carolyn Forsythe to gain further insight; she has been studying astrology for over 15 years. She is such a kind soul and answered our readers’ questions while also providing great resources for beginners.
Kally Compton: Who invented astrology and assigned meaning to the zodiac signs?
Carolyn Forsythe: For as long as man has looked upward into the heavens, astrology has been in practice. The man began to notice the celestial rhythms within our souls. As early as 2900 B.C.E., the Sumerians built temples and pyramids to observe the stars. The Babylonians developed their own form of astrology 2400 years ago; they also defined the signs. Additionally, planets evolved as they were discovered. Pluto was discovered in 1930, and it represents atomic energy, bombs, and things under the ground. Is it a coincidence that shortly after the discovery of Pluto the atomic bomb was created? Each century brings more astrological discoveries that are adopted and used.
Some early famous astrologers include: the Three Wise Men in Christianity, who looked for the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn to predict the birth of the Christ Child; Pythagoras, who gave us the Pythagorean theorem in math and the musical scale; Nostradamus, who based his predictions on astrology; and Isaac Newton, who studied astrology like most 16th century scientists.
Source: Ancient Pages
What are some common misconceptions about Astrology?
One, astrology is only your sun sign, and two, astrology is a fading practice. We have seen an increasing interest in astrology by Gen Z and millennials. This may be due to planetary alignments; placements of Pluto and Saturn are in their natal charts. Millennials are open to new ideas and readily accept multiple beliefs. They have been exposed to more information growing up during the internet age. Millennials are also a more educated generation. Most astrologers have multiple and advanced degrees and are highly intellectual.
What is your opinion on apps like Costar?
I have not used Co-Star personally, but I have used Time Passages. The daily horoscopes on these apps use a database that stores interpretations for every aspect that can occur in a chart. When you learn more about the areas each house can represent, as well as the meanings of the planets, signs, and aspects, you will see that the aspect can be interpreted in a variety of ways. It is sometimes difficult to use a canned interpretation because it is very personal for each person on how these aspects will manifest. Sometimes the interpretation presented by an application is a hit and sometimes a miss. None the less, it is fun and can be used as a learning tool.
Source: Co-Star
Is Mercury retrograde always negative?
There are some good things about Mercury RX; however, it is not best to commit to contracts or buy vehicles, technology, or appliances. Mercury rules our thoughts and communication as well. If you break up with someone during Mercury RX, you will most likely get back together when Mercury goes direct again. Mercury RX is also a good time to take care of things that have the prefix “re.” Repair, review, restore, remodel, rebuild. This is because you will be inclined to review and review again, catching any missed details. It is also a good time to have medical tests and procedures done; the doctors will pay more attention to details.
Source: Evening Standard
What are the different signs and how do they affect us? Why do some people not identify with their sign?
Our main characteristics are driven by our sun sign (drive), moon sign (emotions), and rising sign or ascendant (how we look and who others perceive us to be). The rising sign will most likely resonate more with who you are. The sun sign is what drives your actions. My son has a Pisces Sun with a Capricorn Rising. He acts more like a Capricorn. He is a hard worker and has to have a plan. His drive is his sun sign: Pisces in the second house. His fears drive him. His moon is in Aquarius which helps to keep him calm in a crisis. Aquarians can rise above a situation and look at it objectively.
Some people, like myself, have their rising and sun sign in the same house and sign. My sun and rising sign are both in Scorpio, so I am guarded and need to get to know people before I can trust them. But when you win me over, I will be your biggest supporter, very loyal, and will not let you down. When you find out the placements of your rising sign, sun, and moon, you should also read the horoscopes for those signs in the paper for a better perspective.
What is the favorite thing you have learned about?
I can’t put a finger on my favorite thing yet, but I do love applying transits (where the planets are currently in the universe) and progressions (advance the planets 1 degree per year since birth) for predictive astrology. Additional techniques include relationship astrology, medical astrology, financial, horary astrology, and more. Around your birthday, you can cast a chart called the Solar Return to show what your upcoming year will be like. I also like to study the phases of the moon.
Source : Pinterest
What are the best resources you have found for studying astrology?
The most important foundation to learning astrology is to first understand the signs and planets used in the astrological chart, their glyphs, and what they represent. Then you can build on the basics. I purchased books for beginners and made flashcards to help me remember the glyphs for planets and signs. You can also search podcasts about astrology and get exposed to different astrologers. Most astrologers offer courses through zoom or other social media. Take these courses to learn their techniques. This is the best way to learn and stay true to the practice.
Beginner books
Complete IDIOT’S Guide to Astrology by Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur and Lisa Lenard
The Only Way to Learn Astrology Volumes 1 – 5 by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers
Astrology, A Cosmic Science by Isabel M. Hickey
Aspects in Astrology by Sue Tompkins
Source: Penn Book
Source: Bustle
Online classes for certifications
National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) (Look for your local chapter.)
Astrology Hub, a subscription service featuring interviews and classes from renowned astrologers that can be found on iTunes and Spotify.
It was so interesting learning more about the history of astrology and where we can go to learn more about ourselves and others. As a final piece of wisdom from Ms. Forsythe, “[Astrology] is a fascinating tool. Start with the basics. Learn the symbols, signs, planets, houses, and what they represent. Then learn the aspects and what they mean. It is so much fun, plus you can help others understand themselves.”