How To Know He's Not Into You
Ever had a guy you were super into, but he wasn’t interested in you at all? Same. And to be honest, it’s happened a lot. I had a teacher in high school who once said, “If someone’s not into you, it’s not a big deal. People can’t really help who they are attracted to.” Yet for some reason, the second I find myself completely drawn to someone, I can’t seem to shake the feelings. I want to spend so much time getting to know them, even if they have very little interest in me.
Don’t be like me; use these tips to know when you just need to stop trying.
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He talks to you about other girls.
If he’s obviously into someone else, it’s not him trying to make you jealous, even if you convinced yourself otherwise. He simply doesn’t see you as more than a friend. If he did like you, he’d make it crystal clear.
2. You already tried and got rejected.
If you already told him you had feelings and he wasn’t interested, then he’s probably not interested now. There was this guy who I liked in high school. I remember the first time I told him I liked him in January. He wasn’t interested. Then I tried again in October. He wasn’t interested. In November, I tried again. He still wasn’t interested. Move on sister—he doesn’t like you!
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3. He doesn’t make an effort to hang out with you.
Are you constantly trying to make plans and even if he does occasionally say yes, you’re the only one putting effort in? Going back to my first point: if he liked you, he’d make it crystal clear. You wouldn’t be having to work so hard for it. Your relationship should come easy and natural. Also, if he doesn’t like it when you keep trying to hang out with him, that’s not him playing hard to get. Time to put your effort into someone else.
4. You can’t figure out how he feels.
Does your crush seem into you one day, but ends up ignoring you the next? He honestly could just be craving attention, but that’s not how a relationship is supposed to be. Even if he does kind of like you, he needs to know what his intentions are with you. Maybe he does like you, but he’s not ready for a relationship. Your first option is to directly ask what his intentions are if you’re not quite sure. If he can’t give you a straightforward response or continues to be confusing after you discuss how you both feel, he’s not worth it.
5. He just got out of a relationship.
Don’t be the rebound girl. This goes back to the attention thing. If he’s newly single, he might be really lonely. If he sees you being readily available for him, he could take advantage of that. There’s no reason for you or him to rush into a relationship. If you’re really meant to be his next girlfriend, it will happen. Let him take his time to heal before going after him even if you’re afraid he’ll pick someone else.
Be confident that a man is lucky to have you, and when you find the right one, he will know how lucky he is. Don’t forget your worth. Life’s too short to focus on people who aren’t on the same page as you! If you’re going after a guy, make sure he treats you as if you’re truly the best woman in the world.
Source: Pinterest