Worst Ways to Get Dumped

I’m sure we’ve all gotten broken up with or rejected at some point in our lives. Whether it was a meaningless middle school relationship or the worst heartbreak of our life, there’s plenty of breakup stories to go around. Curious as to which way to get dumped is the worst? You’ll just have to keep reading.

1. The Social Media Dump

What’s worse than being broken up with over text? Being dumped via DM. Kaitlyn lost the middle school love of her life over Snapchat. Her healing process included crying dramatically in the rain outside of her house, walking around like she was in a Miley Cyrus music video, and having to see his new girlfriend glaring at her on the way to lunch. Definitely not something I’d want to go through.

2. The Magic Trick

Is there a way you can see the magic trick breakup coming before it happens? Sarah had her boyfriend call her one day asking if she wanted to hear a magic trick. When she replied with yes, the trick was, “you’re single now.” He immediately hung up after those devastating words, and I’m sure all Sarah thought was if there was a way she could’ve avoided the magic trick. Does anybody know any reverse breakup tricks?

3. Meeting at the Trap House

Sarah’s breakup stories don’t end with just the magic trick. With one of her next boyfriends, she went to his house for the first time to realize he lived in an actual trap house. I’m not sure if “illegal drugs” and “guns” were the criteria she was looking for in a man. Needless to say, that was the end of their love story. In some ways, we could feel bad for the boyfriend that he can’t take his girlfriend home if he wants to stay in a relationship. But still, I’m not sure how I’d feel if I were Sarah.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

4. The Best Friend Switcharoo

Tana was dating her ex for about seven years. Everything seemed perfect, except for the fact that her boyfriend and best friend just couldn’t seem to get along. Once college came around, though, the boyfriend and best friend were going to the same school. Tana thought this was the perfect chance for them to be on good terms finally. Little did she know that not too long later, her boyfriend would be done with her. When she went to his apartment to figure out what went wrong, what she found wasn’t what she anticipated. It was her best friend and boyfriend together… Despite what happened, they’ve now all managed to get to civil terms as Tana followed the same game and ended up getting with her ex’s best friend.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

5. Valentine’s Day

This has to be the worst holiday to lose your significant other on. But when Josh was on the school bus, he thought, “Today is the day to end my relationship.” His reasoning? “It was time.” Not quite sure why he couldn’t have held out at least one more day. He missed out on the gift she bought him too, but I guess we’ll never know what it was.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

It’s hard to say out of these which one is the worst. Nevertheless, getting dumped never feels good. Make sure to comment down below if you have a breakup story that tops one of these!

*All names have been changed for integrity