How to Get Out of a Reading Rut

Reading has been a beloved activity for centuries, and for good reason. With every kind of story imaginable, books have the ability to transport its reader to universes unknown. Even though reading can have an addictive quality, there is something every bibliophile dreads: a reading rut. 

When you’re in a reading rut, picking up a book can feel impossible, but fear not! Here is a list of five tips to get yourself out of a reading rut and back into the stacks. 

Source: Pintrest

Set the Mood

Light some candles, grab your coziest throw blankets, brew yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea, and snuggle in for a good read.There is nothing more cozy than curling up with a good book, and setting the mood is a perfect way to get back into the swing of things. By setting your space to be a reading oasis, you’re sure to be your bookish self in no time.

If you really want to go over the top, make yourself a charcuterie board so you have something to snack on as you become engrossed in your story. 

Source: Pintrest

Revisit an Old Fave

When it comes to reading, there’s this kind of unspoken expectation to read one new book after the next—after all, you have that Goodreads score to beat. But have you ever thought about revisiting an old fave?

Though it may seem redundant to reread a story you already know the ending to, it can actually be a great way to respark your love for reading. According to the Scribd Blog, there are three main benefits to rereading a book: it creates a sense of comfort, it gives you the opportunity to understand more about the book, and it makes you a better reader. 

Source: Pintrest

Try Poetry

If you are in a reading rut, you may not have thought to pick up a poetry book. Whether it’s more modern, or going back to the classics, poetry is a great way to reconnect with your reading self. With short, easy to digest passages, you can get through a poetry book in one sitting, which is always the best feeling. 

Here is a list of modern poetry books that can help you read your way out of a reading rut:

-Pillow Talk by Courtney Peppernell

-Yesterday I was The Moon by Noor Unnarhar

-You Come Back to Yourself by Michaela Angemeer

-I’ll Leave You With This by Makenna Misuraco

Source: Pintrest

Go on a Book Date

Who doesn’t love a trip to the bookstore? Take yourself out on a date to your local bookshop to rekindle your love of reading. Nothing is more inspiring or exciting than roaming through rows of books. Let your inner bookworm explore and maybe try out a new genre. Leaving with your new haul will surely make you pumped up to read again. 

Source: Pintrest

Play Some Music

Now that you have a bunch of new books to choose from, immerse yourself into the story by listening to a playlist that is inspired by the story. Check out our article to find a playlist to be the backtrack for your book. 

Source: Pintrest

Being stuck in a reading rut is a bookworm's worst nightmare, but they don’t last forever. Try these tips next time you find yourself stuck on a page. What do you do to get out of a reading slump? Comment below.