Feeling Villainous: A Playlist to Welcome Your Villain Era

We have all been there when, despite all positive thoughts, life still manages to keep knocking you down. Whether it's your toxic relationships or intended outcomes not ending in your favor, it can get both frustrating and exhausting continually trying to see things on the bright side. Well, why not feed into that frustration and enter your own villain era. 

With the viral #villainera trend on TikTok, step into the villainous version of yourself with the help of this angst-filled playlist. From tunes by Billie Eilish, Mother Mother, and all the music in between, you’ll be able to feed into your long-awaited villain era.

*Warning: This playlist will make you want to commit a crime, but please don't.

No matter the cause of your villain era, we hope this playlist aids you in being your best, or should we say most mischievous self. There truly is nothing like scream-singing to let go of any rage—trust us. As you enter your villain era, make sure to keep this playlist handy.

Will you be entering your villain era in 2022? Let us know in the comments.