The Women of LexLine 22: Poetry Edition
Women’s History Month is finally here, and we couldn’t think of a better way to kick it off than by celebrating the lovely ladies on The Lexington Line staff.
Each of the women below has selected a line or few from their favorite poem written by or about women. If you want to celebrate with us, feel free to scroll through and read these beautiful quotes from our directors, editors, assistants, and more.
Tessa Aldridge,
Editor in Chief
Kally Compton, Editorial & Production Director
“Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath
“These are my hands/ My knees./ I may be skin and bone,/ Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman.”
Hannah Szwast, Managing Editor
“Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou
“It’s the fire in my eyes/And the flash of my teeth/The swing in my waist/And the joy in my feet/I’m a woman/Phenomenally.”
Khayla Biscoe, Creative Director
“Passionate Politics” by Bell Hooks
“Feminist thinking teaches us all, especially, how to love justice and freedom in ways that foster and affirm life.”
Sofia Naranjo, Fashion Director
“Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou
I walk into a room/Just as cool as you please,/And to a man,/The fellows stand or/Fall down on their knees.”
Emily White, Web Director
“Afraid of losing you/I ran fluttering/like a little girl/after her mother.”
Jenna Filingeri, Styling Director
Maya Angelou
“A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim.”
Emma DeFelice, Beauty Director
“Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou
“I’m a woman/Phenomenally./Phenomenal woman, /That’s me."
Angelika Cwiklewski, Marketing Director
Morgan Harper Nichols
“In all of the chaos and imperfection, allow yourself to be in this moment: today, right here, for no matter what happens, this is still not last year.”
Kash Khemlani, Social Media Director
Editors & assistant editors
Ashanty Rivera, Accessories Editor
“Legacy” by Rupi Kaur
"I stand on the sacrifices of a million women before me/ thinking/ what can I do to make this mountain taller/ so the women after me/ can see farther"
Lauren Smelker, Assistant Fashion Editor
The Beautiful and Damned by Scott Fitzgerald
“No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks/ She was beautiful, deep down to her soul/She is beautiful”
Bre Crisden, Assitant Culture Editor
Toni Morrison
“The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me all in the right order.”
Assistant directors & coordinators
Sian Jackson, Assistant Creative Director
“Phenomenal Women” by Maya Angelou
“It’s in the click of my heels/The bend of my hair/the palm of my hand/ The need for my care.”
Kaylyn Montgomery, Styling Assitant
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
“when your spirit has crushed mountains/from now on I will say things like, you are resilient/or, you are extraordinary/not because I don’t think you’re pretty/but because you are so much more than that"
Ivanna Pompermaier, Marketing Coordinator
This month is all about celebrating those who run the world—girls—just like Beyoncé told us to. No matter who the ladies in your life are, make sure you’re showing them a little extra love this March. We could not be more proud of this hardworking staff of women. Happy Women’s History Month everyone!