We Love New York: In Review

New York is home to one of the most recognizable logos. "I ❤️ NY" is widely popular and seen on many products. However, New York released a new and supposedly improved logo. The new "We ❤️ NYC" logo got extreme backlash, and many New Yorkers dislike it.   

The iconic "I ❤️ NY" logo was designed by Milton Glaser in 1977 to promote tourism. In the 1970s, New York faced difficult times. The crime was at an all-time high. Blackouts and looting occurred, causing more than 4,000 arrests. New York City was amidst economic crisis and facing bankruptcy. With all this, New York had terrible publicity, and no tourists.   

However, The New York State Department for Economic Development saw the city's potential and connected with the Madison Avenue advertising firm, Wells Rich Greene. They hoped to create an advertising campaign that encourages tourist to visit New York. The logo was essentially designed to rescue New York's failing tourism industry.  

The Department for Economic Development recruited Milton Glaser to meet with Wells Rich Greene about logo options for the New York City campaign. At this point, Glaser had already accumulated some fame due to Push Pin Studios, which he co-founded and has been producing with since 1954. Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits album poster and the 1968 masthead for New York Magazine were all designed by Glaser. After deciding to leave Push Pin and create his own studio, Wells Rich Greene approached him with this new offer.   

The committee already approved Milton Glaser's first design when he had a new idea last minute. As he was doodling in a cab on the backside of an envelope, he created the logo we know and love today. This logo, scribbled on a crumpled piece of paper, has generated more than $30 million annually. It’s been iconically recognized by so many, that is, until recently.

Recently, Graham Clifford designed the new logo of NYC. What used to be "I ❤️ NY," written in the iconic American Typewriter font, is now "We ❤️ NYC," using a font adapted from subway signs.  

Just like the original, this logo was the result of a campaign. The campaign aims to “cut through divisiveness and negativity" which followed the pandemic. The campaign hopes to inspire civic engagement and volunteerism in the city.

Mayor Eric Adams's states: "This city overcame the darkest days of the pandemic because of the selfless work of everyday New Yorkers, and if each of us gives just one hour a week in an act of service, the result will be transformative... The 'We ❤️ NYC' campaign asks everyone who loves the greatest city in the world to show it by lending a helping hand and spreading that love to every block across all five boroughs."  

Though there is a deep meaning behind it, and it is supposed to promote positivity and inclusivity, the public met the logo with extreme criticism.   

If there’s going to be a riot in NYC, it’ll be over this.
— Twitter user @susannecraig
This sucks on every conceivable level and also on some levels that exist beyond human perception.
— Twitter user Rafi Schwartz @TheJewishDream
Milton Glaser’s ghost is crying over that NY logo. Sans serif?!
— Twitter User @johalSF

"The impact of the iconic 'I❤️NY' comes from its simplicity, its boldness, the foursquare arrangement of its elements," Twitter user Ben Stephens wrote. "The original looks like the voice of a city. The new one looks like the voice of an investment bank or possibly a healthcare provider." 

Many hate how the logo looks, and some are also concerned as to why the city prioritized this logo rather than dealing with issues like rent control.   

Though few argue that the subway systems are the veins and beating heart of the city and it was a clever design with good intentions, the majority agree the design is ugly and simply does not compare with the original.

What do you think of the new logo? Leave a comment below.