To Fast or Not To Fast?
Fasting has always been a significant part in many different religions and cultures. However, what about fasting to aid in weight loss and other health benefits? Intermittent fasting has grown to become more and more popular as adults try new ways to lose weight. About a week ago, I decided to try it out for myself, and so far I’ve enjoyed it.
So, what is intermittent fasting? There are a few different types of fasting schedules, but the most popular one is a fasting period where you follow a 16/8 pattern. This pattern means you typically fast for about 16 hours, which is then followed by an eight hour period for eating. I found it works best for me to start eating around 10 a.m. and then stop around 6 p.m. Some however prefer to skip breakfast and follow a 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. schedule. You can choose whatever eight hour period personally works best.
You might be wondering, why do sixteen hours? What’s going on in your body during that period of time?
According to Paris Jarreau, your body enters ketosis after your first 12 hours of fasting, which is a metabolic state. During this state, your body starts to break down fat. With the 16 hour fast, this means your body will be in ketosis for about four hours before you decide to eat your first meal.
Source: Pinterest
A key reason why people try fasting is because of its weight loss benefits. With stricter eating schedules, this can lead to a decrease in calorie intake. We all want a midnight snack here and there but with a fasting schedule, it keeps you from getting that snack. It allows you to be more mindful with when you choose to eat.
There are a few other health benefits as well. Weight loss for me was just an additional perk, but I chose to start this because I had read it’s helpful in lowering high insulin levels. This is something I personally struggle with. A lot of what helps lower insulin levels is avoiding carbs, but as a vegan, this can be quite difficult. I thought that intermittent fasting may be the best option for me.
Source: Pinterest
Before trying it, I assumed it would be very difficult to go 16 hours without eating. However, a lot of that time is spent sleeping, and if I eat a filling enough meal, I don’t tend to get too hungry before falling asleep. Even if it ends up being a late night, I still am able to manage waiting till the next morning to eat.
Kris Gunnars shared that some of the other health benefits include reduction in inflammation and LDL cholesterol, aid to prevent cancer, protect against Alzheimer’s disease, and extend lifespan. A positive aspect of deciding to start fasting is you can still have cheat days here and there. It’s important to listen to your body.
Another amazing benefit is short-term fasts can boost your metabolism. Especially if you consider fasting for weight loss, this is one of the reasons it can help you lose weight. If you can boost your metabolism, it can help your body to burn off calories quicker.
If any of the perks I mentioned sound good to you, why not try it out today?