A Letter To My Younger Self

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

If I could look back seven years ago and speak to my 14-year-old self, I’d probably say something to the effect of:

“Adulting sucks! Bills actually need to be paid with your own money, and groceries don't just appear in the fridge anymore. Yes, you do have to do laundry—your basket is overflowing! And, please invest in a dishwasher. Ramen noodles are the only loyal friends you'll have, and please put a reminder on your phone to drink water.”

As you can see, being 21 is absolutely amazing. Isn’t it?


This is something I learned as a child and took advantage of. As you get older, you learn that every choice you make causes a reaction. Now, mom would always give good advice. She’s the real queen I would say. Every time we spoke, nothing but wisdom shined through her words. Sometimes, her advice would give me chills.

When I would ask for advice on relationships, whether it be a friends or romantic ones, she would always know what to say. Always learn to forgive. That’s something I’m still learning. In the long run, it’s really for yourself. Own up to your mistakes, and don’t take responsibility for another person’s actions.

Be careful when you get emotionally attached, she always reminded me. People tend to tell you what they want you to know, and show you what they want you to see. They can go as fast as they come… something I can understand now. Don’t put your soul and energy into everything and everyone. Pick and choose who is allowed in. You will be drained at one point, and vibrant in another. Keep going.

“Never compromise your values and worth, because it will keep you from becoming the person you want to be.” —MOM

Communication is everything. A saying that I’m super obsessed with these days is, “Don’t cry over spilled milk.” Don’t cry over something that could, or will, happen again. Woman up, drink your favorite Starbucks concoction, and handle it!

When it comes to money, you sure know how to spend a lot of it. You went from shopping in Kmart to picking out your favorite purse in the Louis Vuitton store. That’s an example of how hard work and dedication can get you anything you want and deserve.

“Don’t spend money foolishly and wastefully, so you can have money to invest into your future” —MOM

Being a child is easy. No bills, no worries. As years pass, and you learn the value of a dollar, you’ll see that $100 no longer means that you’re rich. It means you need to find a job, because that just won’t cut it. But don’t worry about money all the time. It is not your god. Remember that money is the root of evil, which is something mom would say when money was involved in complicated situations.

Be the master of your finances. You’ll understand later how important it is to be financially independent and free. Keep those piggy banks…they’ll be full one day. Then cash it, girl!

“The most important love of all is Self-Love” —MOM 

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Self-love is something amazing. It’s something that no one can ever take away from you. It’s confusing at 14. I understand. Society is going to try to mold you into someone you aren’t, but keep fighting through it. You’ll learn many lessons throughout your journey through life. You’ll cry, for sure. For everything. You get that from mom.

You’ll be heartbroken, feel ugly, glow, and feel like the world is against you. These are all normal emotions that society wants you to hide. Embrace them! Mom always said, “when you love yourself, you learn to never settle,” and this is so true. It’s the truest thing you can ever hear. Don’t change yourself for anyone!

Whoever doesn’t appreciate you for you who are was never meant for you. They were there to teach you a lesson about yourself. Pay attention to what the universe throws at you. You’ll never really know if you caused yourself that blessing or curse. What you put out is what you get back. So, remember to always stay positive. It’s okay to be bitchy. Embrace it all, own it.

And, integrity is everything. You’re only as good as your word. So never say anything you can’t fulfill. You don’t have to be like anyone else when you can be just like you.

“Your voice is like a sword, and some people just can’t handle the cut.” —A close friend

Being 21 is very interesting and fun. It’s like a never-ending reality show, and this is only season 21. And if this is only season 21, I’m scared for next season. Life is a journey you learn to appreciate. Enjoy it while you’re young!